Master Garage Door Technician
One of our technicians, Felipe, recently became Nebraska’s first IDEA certified Master Technician. He has been employed by AAA Garage Door for several years, and has had the Master Technician Certification in his sights since he began. Felipe is constantly looking for ways to improve his abilities within our industry. His goal is to become the best garage door technician possible to best assist his customers and fellow co-workers.
The IDEA Master Technician Certification involves four written examinations that technicians must pass in order to obtain this industry certification. These examinations include:
- Residential Installer Certification
- Commercial Sectional Door Systems Technician Certification
- Commercial Rolling Door Systems Technician Certification
- Rolling Steel Fire Door Technician Certification
AAA Garage Door is fortunate to have Felipe as part of our team. He will continue to strive for providing great customer service, installations, and knowledge. As part of this certification, Felipe is nationally authorized to perform Rolling Steel Fire Door drop tests and safety inspections. These tests and inspections are in accordance with the NFPA 80 fire code and DASMA Technical Datasheets to assure proper safety specifications for structures and their occupants.